Kia Soul: On-vehicle Inspection - Ignition System - Engine Electrical SystemKia Soul: On-vehicle Inspection

Kia Soul 2014-2019 PS Service Manual / Engine Electrical System / Ignition System / On-vehicle Inspection

Inspect ignition coil assembly and Perform spark test
Check for DTCs.
If a DTC is present, perform troubleshooting in accordance with the procedure for that DTC. (Refer to DTC guide)
Check if sparks occur.
Remove the engine cover.
Remove the cylinder head center cover.
Remove the ignition coils.
Using a spark plug wrench, remove the spark plugs.
Disconnect the 4 injector connectors.
Ground the spark plug to the engine.

Check if sparks occur at each spark plug while engine is being cranked.
Do not crank the engine for more then 5 seonds.
If sparks do not occur, perform the following test.

Using a spark plug wrench, install spark plugs.
Install the ignition coils.
Install the cylinder head center cover and the engine cover.
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    An ignition coil is an induction coil in an engine's ignition system which transforms the battery's low voltage to the high voltage needed to create an electric spark in the spark plu ...

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